When it comes to breastfeeding vs. formula milk, there’s a good reason why the phrase ‘Breast is Best’ holds true. In fact, there are many benefits to breastfeeding including several for both baby and mother. Here are our top twenty-five:
15+ Breastfeeding Benefits for Babies
Breast milk is nature’s totally natural food for newborns and little ones, containing nothing artificial or added.
- It’s tailored perfectly to the needs of the growing infant, adapting to their needs as they grow.
- It passes on antibodies straight to the newborn baby.
- It contains everything the baby needs for healthy development, including all the right proteins, vitamins, fats and even hormones.
- Breast milk also contains long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids, which are essential for the baby’s developing brain.
- Data suggests that at least 6 months of breastfeeding protects against the possible development of childhood leukaemia.
- It’s also likely to protect against the development of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (‘SADS’).
- Premature babies are also more protected against the bowel disorder Necrotising Enterocolitis (‘NEC’), which can be potentially serious.
Babies are also more protected against asthma if they have been breastfed.
- Breast milk protects children against allergic rhinitis.
- Children are less likely to suffer from severe eczema, wheezing and respiratory infections if they were breastfed as babies.
- Children who were breastfed as babies are also statistically less likely to suffer from ear infections.
- Evidence also suggests that continuing with some breast milk once a child starts weaning onto solids (usually around the age of 6 months) may protect them against the development of some food allergies.
- Breastfed babies are also less likely to develop gastrointestinal infections and diarrhoea.
- Many of the benefits of breastfeeding during early childhood actually continue to benefit the individual once they’re adults, which is remarkable.
10+ Breastfeeding Benefits for Mums
Breastfeeding a baby reduces the chance of mothers developing Type 2 Diabetes.
- Mothers who breastfeed are less likely to develop breast cancer.
- They’re also less likely to develop ovarian cancer.
- They’re less likely to develop osteoporosis.
- Breastfeeding mums are also less likely to develop cardiovascular disease.
- Their weight is also more likely to return to its normal level following pregnancy if they breastfeed.
- Breastfeeding a baby reduces the chance of mothers becoming obese.
- The uterus of mothers who breastfeed also returns to its normal size far sooner.
- Periods return later in mums who breastfeed, which could help with family planning.
- Last but not least, breastfeeding allows closer bonds to quickly form between baby and mother.
Our top 25 benefits of breastfeeding really only scratch the surface. Breastfeeding and breast milk have many more benefits including anything from saving money and being more convenient (nothing needs buying or preparing) to being better for the planet. With breast milk, there’s no packaging to throw away and it’s a totally sustainable food source, direct from nature. Incredible when you think about it.
Milk at Treetops Nursery, Willesden
Parents/guardians of babies and children at Treetops Nursery are welcome to supply their own preferred milk, whether that’s bottled breast milk or specific types of formula milk. If supplying the latter, there’s no need to make it up as we can prepare it for your child, so that it’s more freshly prepared and the right temperature etc. Please do label your child’s milk/bottles/etc. with your child’s name, though. It’s also best to supply them in a cool bag, please, also clearly labelled. Nursing mums who wish to breastfeed their child at the nursery are also offered an appropriate, private space in which to do so.
Our Outstanding Nursery in Willesden, near Harlesden & Kensal Green
Are you looking for the best nursery for your child? If so, you’ll find Treetops Nursery very hard to beat. Our nursery is in Willesden, so is near to Willesden Green, Kensal Green and Harlesden in London NW10. It’s suitable for babies, toddlers and children aged up to five. Fees are competitive, facilities and equipment are excellent and we received a glowing report from Ofsted. If you’re potentially interested in a nursery place for your baby or child while some are still available, please get in touch. We’ll be happy answer questions and show you/your child around too. Please select from the following as preferred: